
Bachelor of Technology

Average duration
4 years or Bachelor of Technology is the professional is a four year undergraduate course that covers all the fields of engineering as well

Bachelor of Science

Average duration
3 years
BSc stands for Bachelor of Science is a 3-year undergraduate course offered in the Science stream.

Bachelor of Physical Education

Average duration
2 years
The B.P.E.S full form is Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports. It is a degree programme where students are taught about sports education.

Bachelor of Technology

Average duration
2 years
A Master of Computer Management (MCM) is a two-year postgraduate degree in computer management. The MCM course is a thorough examination of the technical knowledge area of commerce and management.

Bachelor of Medicine and
Bachelor of Surgery

Average duration
3 years
The Bachelor of Visual Communication (BVC) is a popular 3-year undergraduate programme offered in the mass communication colleges in India. Also commonly offered as either a BA in Visual .

Bachelor of Physical Education

Average duration
3 years
Bachelor of Banking and Insurance or BBI is a 3-year undergraduate course. The BBI course is divided into 6 semesters and covers subjects related to commerce, banking, insurance, and communication.

Bachelors of commerce and Bachelor of Legislative Law

Average duration
5 years + LLB is a five-year undergraduate program that is a combination of law and commerce studies, which has minimum qualification 10+2 with job types of Law reporter, lawyer.

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Average duration
2 - 4 years
Bachelor of fine arts is the full form ,to be eligible for this course, students must have completed 10+2 with at least 50% to 60% aggregate marks, while those with an Arts/ Humanities background are preferred at the time of admission.

Bachelor of Multimedia Communication

Average duration
3 years
Among the various mass communication and media courses in India, a popular option chosen by aspirants includes Bachelor of mass Communication (BMC).

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